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  • Admission open from Class Nursery to VI
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Rules for Students

  1. You should be habitually neat & clean & well-dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all the school days and on all occasions of funcons organised by the school as per the rules.
  2. Pupils who are not properly dressed and whose general appearance does not conform to such regulaons as the school prescribes, maybe sent back home bythe Principal.
  3. It is strictlyforbidden to throwanything out ofplace and at anyone.
  4. 1st point use of colloquialis orregional languages or dilects in the School Campus. The only medium of communicaon shall be English, howeverwe respect all the languages equally.
  5. No shoung orwhistling is allowed in the school premises.
  6. It is necessary that pupils must obey the monitor appointed by the class teacherto maintain discipline during his/her absence from the class.
  7. You have to be punctual and regularin the school and join the morning assembly, as the bell starts ringing, in a disciplined manner. By the me the bell stops, ensure that you are in posion at the alloed place.
  8. Observe order and decorum befing the occasion.
  9. You must not bring anysharp instrument to the school.
  10. You must not lend orborrowmoneyorother arcles from yourfollowstudent.
  11. The school will not be responsible forloss of books, money and other valuables brought by you to the school. However, every effort will be made to recoverthe things lost. ifreported to the Class Teacherorthe Principal immediately.
  12. You are expected to be polite, courteous, respecul and well disciplined inside and outside the school.
  13. You must take care of your school property. No student should scratch or spoil any school furniture. or write or draw lines on the walls or in any other manner damage things belonging to others. done even accident, either by you or by any one else, should be reported at once to It Teacher or to the Principal. Any damage done will have to be made good eitheror collecvely. It mayinvolve pecuniarypunishment as well.
  14. It is compulsory for all children to converse in English as the CBSE syllabus stresses on student's competence to speak confidently and fluently in English. Astudent must speak in decent language all the me. And must ensure that his speech is courteous and polite. No student must parcipate in any kind ofrumour spreading and should refrain from speaking in about other DIGMANI EDUCATIONS Powered by Alok Ranjan Sir CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR
  15. Buying eatables from street vendors is strictlyforbidden outside the school premises.
  16. Any communicaon sent from the school should be conveyed to the parents promptly. Parents must meet the teachers by prior appointments and with the permission of the principal only.
  17. The general behaviour of students should be good not only in the school but also outside. Any reported objeconable conduct outside the school will make the students liable for disciplinaryacon.
  18. Before leaving the class room at the end of the day student should arrange the desk and chairs in proper order, switch off the lights and fans, close the window, throw the waste paper and unwanted materials in the dustbin and then leave the classroom.
  19. Students are not followed to receive private tuions from the teachers ofthe school.
  20. No child who is suffering from any infecous disease will be allowed to aend the school unl he/she is free from the infecon.
  21. The name, class and secon ofthe pupil should be clearlymarked on all his/herbelongings.
  22. No arcle will be passed on to the students either in the form of food or staonery during school hours.
  23. Students are not allowed to drive anyvehicle to come to school.
  24. Do not send expensive gis and sweets on birthdays or anyotherfesvals
  25. Students are not allowed to wear any kind of ornaments in school, except a small earning forgirls.
  26. The Principal has full authority to refuse admission to a child and give transfer cerficate to exisng students on disciplinarycharges.
  27. Students are not given half-dayleave
  28. Every student should take care of his/her personal belongings School authories will not be responsible forloss of such belongings.
  29. Astudent must extend due courtesy and respect to all members of staff. Respect for elders and affecon for juniors should be soundly inculcated. Refinement in behaviour should disnguish everypupil ofthe school everychild is expected to uphold the name and honour ofthe school